Category: Miscellaneous
5 WordPress CMS Plugins You may use in your small business websites

A website’s back end or CMS (Content Management System) is its backbone. Without the administrative options provided by the CMS, company personnel could only perform a fraction of the tasks the platform has to offer. Functions such as appointment forms, event signups, and other major interactive items are usually handled through plugins activated within the CMS. These plugins also enable marketing professionals to perform a variety of tasks. Plugins assist with email marketing, video embedding,Read More
Small business in the spotlight: What attributes should you possess to start a career in events?

Just how organised do you have to be to run an events company? I am big on lists and scheduling, so my diary has to be in step with that. My diary is pretty busy and I like it when it flows seamlessly from one meeting to another. However, my to-do list is relatively short, as I get things done rather than leaving things hanging – as the poet Edward Young once said, procrastination isRead More
These Small Business Accounting Mistakes Come at a Big Cost

There is money flowing out of your business right now as a result of simple small business accounting mistakes. Below are the top ten and how to fix them: Not Balancing Your Bank Statements All sorts of strange deductions can happen from your cash accounts at your bank. For example, checks and direct transfers can be cleared for the wrong amount. Checks can be cleared in your account that are not your checks. A transactionRead More
Small Business Owners and the Economists Who Hate Them

Hugging a small business owner, like kissing a baby, is a time-honored way for politicians to broadcast their populist spirit. Supporting programs for Main Street has been a favorite salve for Wall Street bankers seeking to repair reputations wrecked during the financial crisis. Everyone, including 95 percent of the U.S. population, likes small business. Except, perhaps, economists. In recent years, a growing chorus has argued that small business owners are not the job creators they’reRead More
Fast-Growing Small Businesses Led by Women

The number of small businesses owned by women is growing 50% faster than the total number of small businesses, according to a small business monitoring report from American Express. And by 2018, one-third of new U.S. jobs will be generated by female-owned companies, compared with 16% now, based on projections by The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute.The shift has implications for employees, customers and competitors. Typically, women business owners tend to seek new waysRead More
3 Personal Branding Tips From Highly Successful Women Entrepreneurs

Why are there more highly successful male entrepreneurs than women entrepreneurs? A key reason, I believe, is that women are not as aware as men are of the power of personal branding, whether it’s self promotion, projecting confidence or strategic networking. In talking over 150 of highly successful women entrepreneurs and business women for my new book, Women Who Brand: How Smart Women Promote Themselves and Get Ahead, I was struck by 3 personal brandingRead More
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