Category: Social Media
How to Write a Business Plan for a Small Business The U.S. Small Business Administration defines a small business as an independently owned and operated business that is not dominant in its field. Developing an idea for a small business takes a lot of imagination, planning and paperwork. An essential component is a business plan, which will help your business attract investors, secure funding and gain attention as you get established in the local business community. A business plan expresses your idea in writing,Read More
Harvard Business Review: The Five Stages of Small Business Growth

Categorizing the problems and growth patterns of small business growth in a systematic way that is useful to entrepreneurs seems at first glance a hopeless task. Small businesses vary widely in size and capacity for growth. They are characterized by independence of action, differing organizational structures, and varied management styles. Yet on closer scrutiny, it becomes apparent that they experience common problems arising at similar stages in their development. These points of similarity can be organized intoRead More
Take your business to the next level – Business Growth

Business Growth is a major concern, of course, to entrepreneurs everywhere, especially if your business is new. Here you will find some simple suggestions on what you can do to see your small business prosper. You have to, of course, have a good product or service, one that’s in demand, that people really want. Otherwise, even if you successfully opened your business and have incredible traffic, you’re business still may not grow much if yourRead More
Document of the Week: Confidentiality Agreement for Your Small Business

What is a Confidentiality Agreement? A Confidentiality Agreement is a legally binding contract where a person or small business agrees not to disclose certain information with other people or businesses. This type of agreement is also known as a non-disclosure agreement or a NDA. When do you need a Confidentiality Agreement? In the course of doing small business, whether developing a product or marketing a service, a company inevitably has to enlist the help ofRead More
Yahoo Small Biz Exec on Going Digital

With nearly 80 percent of Americans using the Internet, the days of small businesses being able to survive without an online presence are over. No one knows this better than Yahoo! Small Business General Manager Thomas Byun, who has spent the last decade consulting small businesses and has seen the shift in consumers’ methods of finding the businesses they want to patronize. While they used to be much more loyal to local stores, Byun saysRead More
Exclusive: Bye-bye Facebook, the future of social media for small businesses

It’s 3am in 2016. Bleary-eyed, you stumble away from your desk, switch off the desk light and pick up your phone to set an alarm for the morning. You decide to log on to your social media site to see if you have any messages. But the background isn’t blue, it’s yellow. Welcome to next-gen social media. Social media entrepreneurs are coming up with ingenious ways to stay connected, and the common denominator of newRead More
How To Use A Customer Database to Grow Your Business

Ramon Ray, editor of recently sat down with Ashley Meyers of the Wells Fargo Business Insight series to discuss the importance of using a customer database to grow your business. During this live audio interview, Ramon discusses four ways every small business can use a customer database to grow their business, along with tips on what types of information you should be collecting and strategic ways to use that information to convert one time customersRead More
10 Free Twitter Plugins for WordPress Could Integrate to Your Small Business Website

Whether you’re a Twitter superstar or just want to be one, Twitter plugins for WordPress can take your results to a higher level. From Plugins that add “Tweet This” functionality to widgets that display your Twitter timeline, you’ll find oodles of social boosting features in the list below. Best of all, they’re free! About the only type of plugin you won’t find in this list are simple social sharing buttons. If you’re interested in thoseRead More
Infographic of the Week: Which Social Network is Best for Your Small Business?

Infographics have become quite hot items. And it’s little wonder why – packed with lots of info and eye-catching visuals, they’re a super shareable piece of content. We’re constantly coming across great infographics that condense so much useful information into a digestable visual, and we thought it’s high-time we shared. This week, the infographic that caught (and kept) our attention was found on (the visual content gurus). It centers around social media for small businessRead More
Growing Your Personal Brand Facebook Fan Page

You developed a website with WordPress Web Theme(s). Now you have to promote and seal your personal brand through many technical ways. How many times everyday you spend your times on your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others social network. You spend this on the same platform but to promote your personal brand. Specially now a days, facebook is very usable, user friendly, most uses and most familiar social networking platform that easily you brand yourRead More
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