Hasan Uz-Zaman Shemul, Editor and Communications Manager
Your Web Life Style with WordPress is Your Celebrity Life
Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, and LinkedIn are social network platforms in different level. It is one the most popular Craze for the young generation in the world that every young in school, college and university student should have a Facebook identity. Many a people also use twitter and Google plus, and LinkedIn is more popular among the professionals. But those platforms are not perfect at all to present yourself, your inner being and your creativity.
If you have interest or expert or have passion on a particular field that you know. Such as, you like to write poetry, story, novel or any other writing; you have especial interest on fashion and art; you like to take photo; or you want to present yourself on self-modeling. Certainly, you are a genius that you are a boy either girl.
Think a while; always do not you want to present yourself in facebook by uploading and sharing photo and status with friends and family by every possible attractive way?
Yes, It is your passion to present yourself and your every good side to others.
However, how it would be wonderful, if you have a personal website by using WordPress web theme!
Though you are not a local, national or international celebrity. Therefore, what happen, you should become a big celebrity in your friends & family network. And it may open a possible door for you into national and international level.
Therefore, your single website develops by WordPress theme; it is a small decision for you now but may great step for your future and prosperity.
You can present your writing, your art and graphics, pictures taken by you, your own modeling picture, any specific thing you want to put on website and show wordlwide. You can choice a website name or simply use your name. It will familiar as your personal website, your idea of business, your small business, your creative work, or any idea you want to put into the web-universe.
What is WordPress and Why WordPress?
WordPress is familiar as a web & blog engine. It is a most popular Content Management System (CSM) in the world. Content Management System or CSM is a procedure to publishing, editing, updating, maintaining contents, information images and others data of the website.
WordPress is very user friendly: Every WordPress theme is very client and user friendly. You just need to have computer operating knowledge to operate a WordPress based website to post, update content and upload documents, images & photos. These themes are also visible to mobile tablet and every smart device. Responsive themes are very popular now days because of their adjustment with all types of modern smart devices. Properly you can place your image and texts as you want in your website. D5Creation.com is a one of the best WordPress theme developers among top 16 in the world. They provide lot of wonderful WordPress theme that approved and top enlisted in WordPress theme directory. Most of the D5 Creation Themes are Responsive and Elegant.
Strong web security: WordPress’s web security is very strong. There have no risk to pass your information, password and other secure information to the hackers or unauthorized persons — if you follow all standard WordPress security measures.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search Engine Optimization is a process by which your website and WebPages with your information & photos will visible to people when they look for the similar information in search engines. WordPress has integrated strong SEO system and developers can increase its value as per your demand using variety of plugins.
Easy to customization: If you want to change any specific design and tools as per your desire and idea, you can do it with WordPress. Simply if you can send e-mails, you can manage WordPress sites.
Plugins: Lot of plugins will provide you new and existing facilities to the website for personal information & presentation of information & photography and online campaigning about your website.
You can find lot of WordPress themes from Themes Directory: https://wordpress.org/themes/ it is free for you by the WordPress theme developers around the World. You have to know that whatever valuable & costly things they are providing to you to use by free of cost, and how many time and hard work they spend to develop every single WordPress Theme. If you would develop such a WordPress theme by hiring and developer or programmer, it should charge its cost to minimum thousand dollar or higher. But they are giving it free of cost through WordPress collective developers community platform.
For your better understanding that how a WordPress theme can be useful and make your sense to explore yourself through web line, here a WordPress theme screenshot presented bellow in brief.
This bellow screenshot theme is namely “Selfie” free version a Revolutionary One Page Multipurpose WP Theme was developed by D5Creation.com, you can find its extended premium version and feature details here; http://demo.d5creation.com/themes/?theme=Selfie (live demo)


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