The Globe and Mail
WHO OWNS THAT? Butcher’s son carries on family legacy

1. Let’s start with the basics. Can you briefly describe your business, including when it was founded, what it does, and where you operate? Created to bring gourmet prepared meats to your table in minutes, by Amos is a line of cooked and seasoned, naturally raised meats. Our selection of chicken breasts and steaks provide quick and easy meal solutions using sous-vide cooking. Since our meats are all pre-cooked and pre-seasoned, all you have toRead More
You’ll never hear successful people say these 15 small business phrases

If you want to become more successful as an entrepreneur or in your career, you can start by making a habit of talking and thinking more like the people you know or read about who are already successful. Here are some phrases you’ll never hear a successful person say: 1. We can’t do that. One thing that makes people and companies successful is the ability to make solving their customers’ problems and demands their mainRead More
Rose Hill
Dare to be different: six ways to fund your small business without heading to the bank

Looking for alternative ways to fund your business can be very worthwhile. Going to the bank for funding is not a necessity, and is certainly not the only avenue to buying and running your own business. Here are six alternative ways to fund your enterprise: Financial DIY Do it yourself: invest in you from the start. When the business you want to buy is just an idea, save up through your current job and work hard to work for yourself.Read More
Local Search Popularity Means Small Businesses Still Need SEO

More and more consumers are turning to their smartphones and mobile devices to help them find nearby businesses and make purchases. In fact, 50% of people who make local searches on a smartphone visit a store within a day, according to a report from Google. The report, which broke down consumers’ local search behavior, also found that 34% of tablet and desktop searchers will visit a business within a day of searching, and 18% ofRead More
Alyssa Gregory
A Marketing Guide for Small Businesses

Marketing is one of the most important parts of any small business, and it’s especially important for new startups. An effective marketing plan — one that helps you identify the marketing activities that have the highest return on investment — can often be the difference between a small business that thrives and one that dwindles. If you are in the process of starting a new small business and are ready to get your feet wet with marketing,Read More
Alyssa Gregory
Top 5 Bootstrap Marketing Techniques Every Small Business Owner Should Use

With the economy still lacking, the idea of starting and running a low-budget, bootstrappedbusiness is a very hot topic. The good news is that it doesn’t have to cost you a decade of debt to start your business, if you’re willing to put in a little time and elbow grease. In fact, it’s entirely possible to not only start a business on a bootstrap budget, but to also grow your business with minimal investment. Marketing isRead More
Alyssa Gregory
12 Tips for Making Your Business Blog a Success

The idea of starting a business blog from scratch may be a bit intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience, and the benefits of starting a business blog can make the process worthwhile. Here are 12 tips for getting started with a business blog and making it a success. 1. Post consistently – There are no defined rules when it comes to posting frequency. Whether you post once a week or everyRead More
Alyssa Gregory
Top 5 Reasons You Should Start a Business Blog

Blogging has become a common way to market your business online, but there are still many small businesses that are hesitant to make the jump and start a business blog. There are several reasons why small business owners don’t blog: It takes a commitment of time and resources that can be overwhelming They don’t know how to get started from a technical perspective. It can be challenging to develop a loyal, engaged following on aRead More
Alyssa Gregory
Four Steps to Using Email Marketing in Your Small Business

Email marketing can be an effective way to generate leads and increase sales. But while it has the power to be a great tool for small businesses, it’s a long-term marketing activity, not one you will see results from overnight. It takes a well-planned system and sustained effort, but it almost always worth the effort. Here are four basic yet powerful steps you need to take in order to get started with email marketing. 1.Read More