Category: Marketing
How Blog Marketing Impacts Your Small Business

Blogging for a small business can play a significant role as a great marketing tool, especially when a start-up business initiates it struggle to concrete its identity in the competitive industry. Sometimes the newbie business owners consider sales and marketing as synonymous- but they are apples and oranges. Sale is all about driving the clients to pay for your product or service; whereas marketing is all about positioning your brand in the concerned market. TheRead More
How to Get People to Remember Your Business Name

Everyone wants to be remembered. When someone says your name, it’s a magic that can solidify any business relationship. Here’s how to get people to remember your name successfully. 1. Repeat Their Name When you are introduced to someone, repeat their name back to them. This will prevent you from forgetting their name as soon as they say it. For example, when the other person says “Hi, I’m Mary”, repeat “It’s nice to meet you,Read More
Small Business Website with WordPress

Who want to be a self-reliant person by profession of any kind of small business, can explore you with WordPress web life style. Business opportunities are growth faster in the modern edge of internet and computer technology. What is value of your product and brand without work with internet? WordPress web engine are giving such opportunity to open a pioneer concept of your small business. Any kind of small business you hold with the webRead More
Contractorship in Engineering and Construction

Contractor is an honorable profession and business. Therefore, it is also profitable small business too. You have trade license for any kind of small business like contractor for engineering and construction work. You are a contractor of engineering and construction type small business (or contractor of export-import and supply products, goods and equipments). No matter, you are male either female but you engage to road, and bridge construction and repairing, small level building construction, andRead More