Category: Small Business Events
How to Get People to Remember Your Business Name

Everyone wants to be remembered. When someone says your name, it’s a magic that can solidify any business relationship. Here’s how to get people to remember your name successfully. 1. Repeat Their Name When you are introduced to someone, repeat their name back to them. This will prevent you from forgetting their name as soon as they say it. For example, when the other person says “Hi, I’m Mary”, repeat “It’s nice to meet you,Read More
You’ll never hear successful people say these 15 small business phrases

If you want to become more successful as an entrepreneur or in your career, you can start by making a habit of talking and thinking more like the people you know or read about who are already successful. Here are some phrases you’ll never hear a successful person say: 1. We can’t do that. One thing that makes people and companies successful is the ability to make solving their customers’ problems and demands their mainRead More
Table of Small Business Size Standards
To help small business owners assess their small business status, SBA has established a Table of Small Business Size Standards (pdf file/excel file), which is matched to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for industries. The current table of size standards is based on the 2012 NAICS. The table of size standards can also be found online in the Small Business Size Regulations(published by the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations). Certain government programs, suchRead More
Interact with Investor Connect

Meet the Brightest Innovators The Cleantech Open is the world’s largest cleantech accelerator, and our Investor Connect is a ‘speed-dating’ event which connects investors with startups that have completed the Cleantech Open’s programs, grooming companies in software, materials, energy storage, smart grid, agriculture, water conservation and purification, clean chemistry, and a host of other products that also happen to be ‘clean.’ If you are an Angel, private VC, corporate VC, or potential strategic partner orRead More
Benefits of Small Business Management

Small business management is a process entrepreneurs use when running their business operations. Small business management often requires entrepreneurs to have a wide variety of knowledge or understanding relating to business topics. Entrepreneurs may need to understand how to manage employees, accurately report financial information, acquire economic resources or business assets, and make various business decisions. Entrepreneur and business owners are usually required to complete these functions because they may not have enough capital toRead More
How Much You Should You Spend on Business Gifts

Whether around the Holiday season or during any other time of the year, you may occasionally need to choose gifts for those in your organization or those you do business with regularly. But when it comes to your employees and customers, how much should you spend on business gifts? Cost of a Gift How much you should spend depends on your budget and other factors, some of which are business gift giving etiquette. If you’ve decidedRead More
Start a Landscaping Small Business make your life more Flexible!

Where do you live in the world, it is not factor. Now a days small business is very popular concept to make you self-reliant person and to be establish in the society. When have you been thinking about opening a small business? First you have think about its social and economical value in your zone. Small business is a kind of social business. So, there society demand and value is a great factor. But everyRead More