Tag: Small Business Size Standards
Small Business Size Standards and Definition regards

Small Business Definition regards Learn about the definition of – and qualifications for – a small business and why it’s important to know your status. SBA has established numerical definitions of small businesses, or “size standards,” for all for-profit industries. Size standards represent the largest size that a business (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) may be to remain classified as a small business concern. In determining what constitutes a small business, the definition will varyRead More
Small Business Primer – Understanding Small Business Size Standards and Affiliation
This training module describes what size standards are, how they are established, why they are important, how they are used, where to find them and how to determine if a specific business concern is considered a small business. It also describes what is meant by affiliation and how such affiliations can impact the size of a business. See the Government Contracting Classroom for more training options. Duration: 00:25:01 Text based accessible version Workbook BEGIN COURSE
What are the Small Business Size Standards?
Your business might be eligible for programs that are reserved for small business concerns. To qualify, your business must satisfy SBA’s definition of a business concern, along with the size standards for small business. SBA defines a business concern as one that is organized for profit; has a place of business in the U.S.; operates primarily within the U.S. or makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes or use ofRead More
Table of Small Business Size Standards
To help small business owners assess their small business status, SBA has established a Table of Small Business Size Standards (pdf file/excel file), which is matched to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for industries. The current table of size standards is based on the 2012 NAICS. The table of size standards can also be found online in the Small Business Size Regulations(published by the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations). Certain government programs, suchRead More
What’s New with Size Standards
SBA proposes to revise Small Business Size Standards for some industries in NAICS Sector 31‑33, Manufacturing The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has proposed to increase small business size standards for 209 industries in NAICS Sector 31-33, Manufacturing; and, increase the refining capacity component of the Petroleum Refiners (NAICS 324110) size standard to 200,000 barrels per calendar day total capacity, and the requirement that 90 percent of output being delivered be refined by the bidder (footnote 4). As part of its ongoingRead More